Guide Step by Step: Earn Air Miles Points for Free

In this guide you will learn everything you need toadd, earn and redeem miles and points to travel for freearound the world.
Aerolineas Argentinas,Aeromexico,American Airlines,Avianca,Delta,Copa Airlines, GOL,Iberia,LATAMandUnited are the airlines that more Air Miles Points Free awarded and be where we will focus all our efforts.

I will explain the basics of air miles points for free travel, so that everyone can understand how is this to get airline tickets for free, just learning to buy more efficiently and intelligently, taking advantage of offers and promotions thatairlinesandbusinesses associatedwith them have to offer.

Is it possible totravel for free?

Yes, of course it is possible. Organizing our purchases and expenses in an orderly and planned, we can make profits andaccumulate free milesand then redeem forfree travel. It is very easy, simple to make and implement!

How can we accumulate miles and points?

When you buy with your credit card, when you go to the movies, when loading fuel when you go to the supermarket when you pay for the light, etc.,every expenditure we make in our daily lives can turn it into points or miles, and after a series of steps, will redeem onairlinesfor tickets forfree travel around the world.

It’s that easy.Free travelonAerolineas Argentinas,Aeromexico,American Airlines,Avianca,Copa Airlines,Delta,GOL,Iberia,LATAMandUnitedis possible, feasible and easy!

I welcome aboard, I trust you will enjoy the journey and become passionate when thinking about where to spend their money and thentravel freeby any country in the world!

Fasten your seat belts, seat recline forward andwelcome to your future trip. ThemilesandpointsofAerolineas Argentinas,Aeromexico,American Airlines,Avianca,Copa Airlines,Delta,GOL,Iberia,LATAMandUnitedare waiting!

We are coming to take off !!!

What sections can be found on this blog?

  • How to earn miles
    • This section is devoted to personal experiences to tell you, the new airline, news several of the world points and miles, and initial introduction to the blog with a simple and easy to follow guide to get started in the world the miles.
    • In this section you going to be aware of all the agreements that airlines have done with retail partners, such as fuel loading stations, supermarkets, cinemas, restaurants, etc.
    • Here you can know all the promotions that airlines usually do, such as selling miles discounted exchange tickets for less miles, contests, raffles and everything that can help you get closer to your free trip.
    • Perhaps the place where you dig, since posts will develop strategies where mileage accrual, how to buy, what are the best times and typical or not to agree.

Complete guide
what and how to
travel free with Miles

Introduction to the Miles Project (1/4)

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The idea of the blog is to help them build their ownproject Miles for free travel the world, without paying anything.
It will be time to talk about learning toaccumulate points and miles, that is atable of miles, toredeem miles for free ticketsandbuy miles to save and change for your future travel, etc.
But first,what is a mile?
It is a unit of length using theairlinesof the world to measure the distance between the origin and destination of their different flights. For example, the distance between Buenos Aires and Miami, roundtrip, is about 8,800miles.
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Introduction to the Miles Project (2/4)

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The most important of the world airlines are grouped into three major alliances:Star Alliance,OneWorldandSky Team.
To start ourProject Miles, the first essential step we must take, will choose oneairlineof eachalliance. This is important because it will be on thatairlineof eachAlianzadifferent, whereaccumulate the miles.
You will see that on many occasions many companies give away miles or points for partnering and already we must, because we must seize to add any promotional benefits. But we must know that we can not put them together to make a trade, but it never hurts to have several if it’s free. The only advisable to choose whether or if one of them by marriage where always add up all the miles we fly, so you can then redeem smoothly.
The number ofairlinesfor eachallianceare distributed as follows:

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Introduction to the Miles Project (3/4)

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In the second step we must give us high in each of theFrequent Flyer Programsfor each of theairlinesthat we have chosen.
These programs allow us toaccumulate miles and pointsthat can then be redeemed forfree tripsto see the world!
As I said in the previous post, never dismiss miles or points for free! Habran the number of programs they want, but always try to add the same airline.
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Introduction to the Miles Project (4/4)

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But how we willgather the miles and points?
There are basically 3 ways:
* When traveling on anyairlineof any of the 3alliances. Initially it was almost the only way to earn miles, was the basis of everything, the pioneer. * When u samos thecredit cardsof banks associated with theAirlines. Undoubtedly, today in the form sought to accumulate more and more widespread in the world.* When c ompramos in shops and business associates toFrequent Flyer Programs. Finally this was the last channel to reach the world of miles and is so diversified that it is possible to add multiple forms today.All these channels will give uspoints and milesthat will add to our personal account.
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Three Alliances Air Lines (1/4)


But what good is an alliance?
When onetravels can earn miles and reward pointsin theirFrequent Flyer Program.
But if you travel in differentLineas Aereas, you have all yourmiles or pointsdistributed and would be very difficult to raise a considerable sum in each of theairlinesto change them forfree passage.
Therefore themost important benefit that an alliance gives us is the ability to add up all the milesof our trips from different airlines that form,in one program and thus have unified whole.
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Three Alliances Air Lines (2/4) – ONE WORLD


We should choose an airline of each alliance.
As an example I commented what I choose in my country (Argentina) to have an idea.
AllianceOne World:LATAM(Banco Frances) orAMERICAN AIRLINES(Santander Rio).
These two lines have direct agreement with two banks and one can add up the cards, which makes them the two most sought this alliance. If there is a bench behind a program that is almost mandatory to be there, unless we have another airline with which usually fly.
In your country air lines you want to choose?
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Three Alliances Air Lines (3/4) – SKYTEAM


We should choose an airline of each alliance.
As an example I commented what I choose in my country (Argentina) to have an idea.
AllianceSky Team:AIRLINES ARGENTINAS(Banco Macro, Banco Nacion, Banco Credicoop, Banco Hipotecario, Banco Provincia and the American Express Card)
In your country airlines should you choose?
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Three Alliances Air Lines (4/4) – STAR ALLIANCE


We should choose an airline of each alliance.
As an example I commented what I choose in my country (Argentina) to have an idea.
AllianceStar Alliance:COPA AIRLINESorAVIANCA(in this alliance no bank behind any airline in Argentina, so choose the airline that has the greatest number of combinations and destinations from and to from Argentina)
In your country lines airlines should you choose?
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Frequent Flyer Programs.
What are they and how to use them? (1/3)


Let’s talk about theFrequent Flyer programsmost commonly used in your country of residence and chose which ones to save andearn points or miles.

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Frequent Flyer Programs.
What are they and how to use them? (2/3)


As we can do toaccumulate free miles?
Examples toscore points or miles:

* When loading naphtha;
* When we buy something referred to a kiosk;
* When we go to the supermarket;
* When we go to the movies;
* When we go out to eat at a restaurant;
* Using our credit cards credit card;
* etc.

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Frequent Flyer Programs.
What are they and how to use them? (3/3)


For incribirse inFrequent Flyer Programsgiven as examples, they must choose each and enter:

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You love movies and wants miles?

Cinesa Iberia España Cine Millas Gratis 1

There is a possibility of going to enjoy a movie film and beyondearn miles by purchasing entry with credit card, we can also collect miles of Iberia becauseCinesagives this benefit. So the benefit is twofold! And we see the movie!

Get on a Cruise and take Miles

Cruise only Latam Free Travel Pass 4 Miles

Who would not want to get on acruiseand tour the seas enjoying a5 star hotelwith all comidades at your fingertips? Restaurants, Casinos, Picinas, incredible Staterooms parties, theaters, etc.
And to make matters worseearn miles!!!

Sleep like a King and Sum Miles

Sleep like a King and Suma Miles

There are hundreds of hotel chains in the world to offer guests Rewards Programs.
Today we will discussIHG Rewards Club, where we will have the ability to redeem points earned for miles or earn miles instead of points for air travel. Each decide what ‘s best.

LifeMiles and Vans take you to Travel

Vans take you LifeMiles and Travel

If you want to buy products from clothing or footwear from Vans brand can add for every dollar spent, 2LifeMiles(LM) for your account airlineAvianca.

Incredible Benefit of Claro
with LATAM Pass

Claro incredible benefit to LATAM Pass

Of course , one of the cellular telephone operators largest in Latin America, gives you the chance to earn milesLATAM Passfor citizens of Peru. If you are a member of Claro Club andLATAM Pass, this benefit is for you.

Copa Airlines and ConnectMiles
Sum with Produbanco in Ecuador

Copa Airlines and ConnectMiles with Produbanco Suma in Ecuador

Now with cards Produbanco andConnectMiles, we can add milesCopa Airlines, to later redeem for free tickets. We may also travel on the member airlines of the allianceStar Alliance.

Earn up to 10,000 Miles
with Provincia Seguros and Aerolineas Argentinas

Earn up to 10,000 miles with Provincia Seguros and Aerolineas Argentinas

Aerolineas ArgentinasandProvincia Seguroshave created an alliance whereby each time we secure a car, a home, or both,will add up to 10,000 milesAirlines PlusFree! The campaign is called »lands in Provinces and travel insurance

Complete Surveys with Opina
and Sum Points Aeromexico Premier

Complete Surveys Review Points Sum Premier Aeromexico

There is a distinct and totally free option to accumulate Points Premier and complete surveys is the easiest and simplest way. You can participate by answering questionnaires on different topics. The more surveys you answer, the more score points. As you sign up and complete your first survey, you will be credited a bonus of 500 Points Premier .

MacStore and Aeromexico Club Premier
will Allow to Sum and Redeem Miles

MacStore and Aeromexico Club Premier will allow Sumar and Redeem Miles

When you present in aMacStoreand make a purchase within the range of Mac, iPad, iPhone and iPod models, you ‘ll be able to add Points Premier or you also have the option to use your points to compar products.

With Repsol Sum Miles LATAM Pass Peru
and Travels the World for Free

Repsol Suma Miles LATAM Pass Peru and travels the world for free

When you consume in service stations Repsol canearn milesfromLATAM Pass Peru. Accumulation is that for every 10 Suns in return receive 1mile(each time you make more than 50 Suns expenditure). The program is totally free.

Play in ENJOY Club, Sum Points
and Exchange for
Miles LATAM Pass Chile

ENJOY Club plays, score points and then exchanged for Miles LATAM Pass Chile

If customers are inEnjoy Club, you can redeem your points accumulated by miles LATAM Pass in Chile. Enjoy Club Card is the gateway to enter a world of incredible benefits, among which is the possibility of free travel around the world!

Buy Delsey Baggage
and Sum Miles Aerolineas Plus

Buy Delsey luggage in Suma Miles and Aerolíneas Plus

Now you also get to add milesAirlines Plusto buying your luggage for your trip!Delsey, a company that since 1970 is dedicated to making panniers that are recognized worldwide.

Copa Airlines, ConnectMiles
and Marriot Hotels Bonvoy
Sum more Miles!

Copa Airlines, ConnectMiles and Marriot Hotels Bonvoy Suma more Miles

Copa Airlinesgives you the opportunity toearn mileswith every expense you have on your daily life. When you go traveling and staying at one of the hotels in theMarriot Bonvoy, you’llearn pointsand then redeemfor miles andfree travel on Copa Airlines.

Traveling with Iberia and
American Express (Amex Avios + MR)

Traveling with Iberia Hand MR Avios American Express Amex

As everyone knows, the ProgramAmerican ExpresscalledMembership Rewards, rewards you with an MR point for every dollar we use with cardsAmex. Something very important is that the program MR points never expire, so here is the benefit that most distinguishesAmerican Expressover other programs.

With BBVA and LATAM Pass
Gourmet Quintuple your Miles

Banco French and LATAM Pass Gourmet fivefold Miles

If you like to eat in a good restaurant and you liketraveling, you can put together your two passions into one trip! If you pay your credit cardsVISA BBVA FrenchLATAM Passat participating restaurants, stacks 5 timesmore milesLATAM Pass

Online Shopping in Argos and
Sum Miles LATAM Pass in Chile

Online shopping in Argos Suma Miles LATAM Pass in Chile

For every US $ 12 spent at Argos, sumarás 1mile Latam PassArgos is an online store where you can buy everything you need to celebrate the birthday of your loved one, a friend or even arm ‘s surprise!

Sum Miles with Copa Airlines,
ConnectMiles and Barcelo Hotel Group

Miles sum Hand Copa Airlines, ConnectMiles and Barcelo Hotel Group

Copa Airlinesyou cankeep adding mileswith every expenditure you make. And when you make a reservation and go enjoy a hotel groupBarceló,also getto accumulate pointsand then redeemforfree trips.

Buy in Bosch and Sum Miles
with Latam Pass Uruguay

Buy Bosch and counting Miles with Latam Pass Uruguay

BoschUruguayan company specializing in materials, has equipped thousands of households and enterprises edilicios of the most important of Uruguay. For every USD 1 shopping inBoschAccumulate Miles 0.65LATAM Pass

Aerolineas Argentinas & PedidosYa
Sum more miles AR in Argentina

He arrived PedidosYa to Aerolineas Argentinas AR Collect more miles in Argentina

PedidosYais a website with an application for mobile devices as well. It is the world ‘s leading online food orders in Latin America. The service allows customers to choose their favorite food, making the online order and pay in the most convenient way.

Buy Linio and Sum points
with Club Premier
for Free Travel on Aeroméxico

Buy Linio and score points with Club Premier for free travel on Aeroméxico

Premier Club, the frequent flyer program ofAeromexico, has an agreement with the storesLinio, in which at shopping give you points of theClub Premier, to keep adding and ableto travel for freearound the world.

Buy Online in Netshoes
and gets LATAM Pass Miles

ONLINE SHOPPING ago in Netshoes and LATAM Miles Gets Pass

For every $ 3 spent at Netshoes, you sumarás 1mileLatam Pass
But it is Netshoes? Is an online store that was born in 2000 in Sao Paulo (Brazil) and with operations in Argentina and Mexico. They joined Zattini its sales offer and later associated with football clubs, sports brands and partners such as NBA, NFL, UFC, Havaianas, Puma, Timberland, Topper and Mizuno.

Can you Obtain Miles LATAM Pass
renting a car?

Sumar Miles LATAM Pass can rent a Auto

There is a company with worldwide coverage calledRentalcarsthat has an agreement withLATAMand offers that sumes 5milesfor every 1 dollar spent.

Purchase in Shopping Malls and
Earn Miles on Aerolineas Argentinas

Purchase in the shopping malls and Earn Miles on Aerolineas Argentinas

With shopping malls in Alto Palermo, Alcorta Shopping, Alto Rosario Shopping Alto NOA and you can add more milesAirlines Plus. You are presenting bills shopping at the stands of attention to the client, sumarás for every dollar spent (or the equivalent in pesos) 1mileAirline Plus.

Shielding your Glasses or your Car in Strong
and Sum Miles LATAM Pass

Shielding your glasses or your car into Strong and Suma Miles LATAM Pass

Gains in quiet and protect your family with the shielding glass and more resilient auto market. And Suma miles Latam Pass

Chapelco Ski Resort Winter
and Earn Miles on Aerolineas Argentinas

Chapelco Ski Resort Winter and Earn Miles on Aerolineas Argentinas

With yourAerolíneas Plus, if you buy passes, lessons and equipment in Chapelco Ski Resort, add prunemilesfor free travel!

Buy Tires in Verona
and Earn Miles LATAM Pass

Buy Tires Verona and Earn Miles LATAM Pass

If you shop at Tire Verona , Sums 1 mileLATAM Passfor every $ 40 of your purchases.

Buy Online in Dafiti
and Sum LATAM Pass Miles

Buy Online in Dafiti and LATAM Miles Gets Pass

Wednesdays of each week, if you buy in Dafiti, Sums 1 mile LATAM Pass for every USD 0.75 of your purchases.

Buy Gray Line Tours
and Sum Miles on Aerolineas Argentinas

Buy Gray Line Tour and counting Miles on Aerolineas Argentinas

If you are a member ofAerolineas Plus, you can buy your tickets to various excursions around the world with discounts and the same time, addmiles!

Give yourself or Make Gift
LATAM Pass Miles with Bigbox

Give yourself Regala or Miles LATAM Pass with Bigbox

SURPRISES (who want) or sorprente with the best experiences. Give or regalate fly and lived life in miles with LATAM Pass and Bigbox .

With Medicus Sum Miles LATAM Pass

With Medicus Suma Miles LATAM Pass

If you are between 18 and 30 years, you can add up to 5,250 miles. The 5,250-mile divided as follows:

* There is a bonus of 1,500 miles LATAM Pass with high inMEDICUS

* To finish and additionally get 3,750 bonus miles per stay distributed within 24 months following recruitment.

With Sancor Seguros Sum Miles
with Aerolineas Argentinas

And secured with Sancor Seguros continues to add Miles on Aerolineas Argentinas

If you hire a policy withSancor Segurosyou can accumulate free miles to travel the world !!

For every 20 pesos to pay inSancor Segurosyou will be credited 1 point on your account, you can then redeem for miles ofAerolineas Argentinas.

How to Free Travel with the best Credit Cards
that accumulate Miles and Points

How Free Travel with the best credit cards to earn miles and points

There arethree ways to earn miles: flying, shopping at retail partners orusing credit cardsassociated withdifferentfrequent flyer programs.

Rappi arrives to Latam Pass

He came to Latam Pass Rappi

Rappi is a website with an application for mobile devices also, through which we can ask the Rappitenderos any order as purchases in restaurants, shopping in supermarkets, messaging, drinks, and literally whatever.

Sum Latam Pass Miles
in Tortugas Open Mall

Latam Miles sum Pass Tortugas Open Mall

When you make purchases in the Tortugas Open Mall also going to accumulate power Miles LATAM Pass .
Every time you make a purchase over $ 1,000 must get close to the stands of attention to the customer and ask to load the miles to your accountLatam Pass.

Obtain Miles with Daytona
in Aerolineas Argentinas

Miles gets to Daytona in Aerolineas Argentinas

WithDaytonaandAerolineas Argentinasyou can earn miles for free, since buying in the workshopDaytona,for every dollar you spend, you will be credited with 1 mile on your accountAerolíneas Plus.

Hire ADT Alarm System
and Earn Free Miles Latam Pass

Hire ADT alarm system and Earn Miles Latam Free Pass

Now you can hire the alarm system monitored by ADT and add3,000 free milesand keep adding in Latam Pass free for your next flight!

Sum Miles to Travel Free
with Compumundo in Aerolineas Argentinas

Summing Miles Travel free with Compumundo in Aerolineas Argentinas

With Compumundo andAerolineas Argentinasyou can earn miles for free, since buying in stores Compumundo ,for every dollar you spend, you will be credited with 1 mile on your accountAerolíneas Plus.

Sum Latam Pass Miles with Cabify
for Free to Travel

Suma Miles Latam Cabify Pass free for your Travel

Now you can travel inCabifandand earn milesLatam Passfree for your next flight!

With COTO Earn Miles
with Aerolineas Argentinas

With COTO Earn Miles with Aerolineas Argentinas

With COTO andAerolineas Argentinaswill earn miles for free, since the buyTHURSDAYin supermarkets COTO ,for every dollar you spend, you will be credited with 1 mile on your accountAerolíneas Plus.But to achieve accreditation, you must make a purchase of $ 6,000 or higher (in supermarkets or digital COTO).

Free Travel Accumulating Miles with
Garbarino in Aerolineas Argentinas

Free travel Accumulating Miles with Garbarino in Aerolineas Argentinas

With Garbarino andAerolineas Argentinasyou can earn miles for free, since buying in stores Garbarino,for every dollar you spend, you will be credited with 1 mile on your accountAerolíneas Plus.

Free Travel Accumulating Miles
with Shell Latam Pass

Free travel Accumulating Miles with Shell Latam Pass

Shell LATAM Pass is the Shell loyalty program with LATAM Pass.
One can approach a Shell service station and ask for the free card to start adding free miles every time they buy fuel, lubricants and stores stations.

Are We Going to the Cinema to Earn Miles?
Cinépolis (ex Cinemas Village) vs. other Chains

We're going to the cinema Cinépolis Sumar Miles vs. Village Cinemas other chains

ChainCinemas Villagehas an affinity club calledMovieClub, through which we can addmiles ofLATAM Pass, combined with the miles that we will win payable withcredit card of theFrench Bank.

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